
Fallout 4 german
Fallout 4 german

Though it might take awhile until we see anything specific. system, the underlying roleplaying ruleset of the Fallout games. It is quite telling that the Computerspielpreis’ categories are “Best German Game,” “Best Game for Children” and “Best Game for Young Teenagers.”ĭespite the difficult relationship the Computerspielpreis and Germany has with violent games – for example, Crysis 2 winning the “Best German Game” award in 2012 sparked a political and media outcry, Todd Howard, one of the senior designers of the Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks received the honorary award of the Deutscher Computerspielpreis for his outstanding achievements this year.ĭuring the short interview with German gaming mag PC Games Howard possibly hinted at the next game being a new Fallout, saying “ make that moment when we talk about it SPECIAL.” which obviously hints at the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. In recent years, the Computerspielpreis has started attracting, and honoring, more international guests, however due to Germany’s difficult relationship to the medium, there is still some way to go. The Computerspielpreis honors the best computer games made in Germany from any respective year.

fallout 4 german fallout 4 german

Last weekend saw the annual Deutscher Computerspielpreis (German Computer Gaming Award) awards for this year, which took place in Munich, Germany.

Fallout 4 german